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Taboo Tales

A D Rowen

It’s been a year of firsts for me; I published my first sequel, my first novella, and my first book with more fantastical/supernatural themes rather than the slice-of-life erotica I’d been putting out previously.

My new publication, called No Boundaries, is another step into the unknown. Firstly because it’s my first publication which is a collection of short stories, rather than a single narrative. And secondly because it’s my first collection of specifically taboo erotica.

If you’re well-versed in the often veiled and sometimes euphemistic language of erotica, you’ll know what ‘taboo’ means when used to describe erotic fiction: themes which are, well, socially unacceptable and very far from both mainstream erotic romance and the harder, more pornographic and fetish-inspired content that is still allowed by Amazon. Usually, this means the book or story will be exploring sexual experiences between people who are closely related by blood; in other words, incest.

So, yes, this is my first incest collection.

Gross, right? You’d be forgiven for thinking so. Unlike my other writing, the stories in this collection probably won’t appeal to exactly the same people. If you imagine a hundred people who liked, say, Best Friends With a Naked Girl, probably only a tiny handful of them would also like this collection; the rest would find the theme of family members getting it on to be not their cup of tea.

In the main, I’d be with them. I’ve read an amount of taboo erotica, but found the idea of sibling or parent/offspring sex to be unappealing for the most part. I understand the thrill of using fiction to explore something that is forbidden and would often be disturbing in real life, but I’ve never really considered it one of my kinks.

So if I’m not really a fan of this stuff, why write it?

Well, firstly, because I can. Because the world of fiction allows an author to depict and explore things they would never do, or want to do, in real life. I no more want to have sex with someone I’m related to than the author of The Silence of the Lambs wants to eat people. I don’t want to do it, but I did want to write about it, and could, so I did.

Secondly, because other people do like it. I got a lot of requests, especially in the early days of writing, when my fiction was known specifically for erotic takes on nudism and clothing-optional tendencies, for stories that used nudity within families as a springboard into taboo sex. So there are people out there who want to read the A D Rowen take on such themes, and I don’t like to disappoint...

And the thing is, once a story is written, it’s a shame not to put it out there for readers to try, and to make up their own minds about whether it’s for them or not.

The stories in this collection span my writing career to date. My Daughter The Nudist is the second complete story I ever wrote and published (if you’re keeping track at home, I wrote the earliest intro to Becky and Lisa, where Becky strips in the corner shop, but I don’t consider that a full story. Then I wrote Bowling For Clothes, then Daughter). It’s not one I’ve publicised before, because I quickly grew unhappy with it (I don’t like the scenario) and it has a lot of what TVTropes would call Early Instalment Weirdness (I don’t use male narrators much anymore, and I think my attitude towards female nudity has become a lot more progressive since then), but I thought the subset of my fans who enjoy taboo stories deserved to be able to read it in a collection.

Hayley and Amy was written in 2018, around the same time as I was writing Love Life of a Naked Girl. Initially, the idea was to write a ‘straight’ nudist story with no sexual elements, as a contrast to the naughtier exhibitionism in Becky’s adventures. But, as is usually the case, my dirty mind prevailed, and I ended up with a story about two sisters who find sharing nudity in secret leads to much more intimate behaviour. And Mom’s New Fad, the most recent story, was written earlier this year, inspired in a roundabout way by seeing porn where two actresses pretended to be mother and daughter. In fact, both mom/daughter and sister/sister seem to be popular pretences for lesbian scenes in porn, and I fully acknowledge that as being the reason why these two stories exist.

So, even if you’re a fan of my work, you don’t have to like this collection. I don’t expect you to drop the two dollars it costs if you find incest scenarios, even lesbian ones, to be unappealing and icky. Rest assured, this isn’t a statement of intent about the future of my work. The next book you get from me will be business as usual (in other words, it will be one I can publish on Amazon).

But if you like taboo stories and have often thought, I wish I could read an A D Rowen taboo story, well now is your chance.



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