(This was also posted to DeviantArt, if you already follow me there)

Here's a clothed/nude character sheet for Omega Girl, my naked female superhero.
What seems like ages and ages ago (and was, actually, just over 2 years ago), I self-published the novella 'The Tribulations of Omega Girl', all about a super heroine who ends up in a situation where her powers only work if she's completely naked, but who still remains committed to being a superhero.
(You can find it here on Amazon here)
At the time there was some interest from readers/fans over what Omega Girl actually looked like, because some people wanted to do fan art of her.
As a reference, all I'd given people was a description in the text, and the cover illustration, which was very stylised (because I wanted to emphasise the ENF - Embarrassed Nude Female - aspect of the story, even though this was only one aspect of the story itself (really I suppose it is more of an 'only-one-naked' tale with some embarrassment elements that the main character has to overcome). I do sometimes draw in that manga-esque style anyway, even though it's not my favourite these days, and especially because I wanted a bit of an Adam Warren feel to show how his work had inspired a lot of the world-building I did in the book - but in my head, Omega Girl never had that soft, manga-esque look.
That's not to see I don't like to see OG in manga style, or any artist's personal style - in fact I'd rather an artist doing fan-art of my characters do their own thing and feels free to interpret them as they think they should look, rather than slavishly copying something I did that even I probably think needs improvement. If you want to make OG all soft and curvy or give her massive hentai boobs or something, feel free, I back it 100%, just as if you want to draw her like a Marvel comics character or any other style you like.
But some artists and fans definitely hit me up with questions about how Omega Girl was "supposed" to look - how the character existed in my head. Some too were interested in what the character's costume looked like in the time before she had to go naked, and to be fair, I don't think I gave much detail about that in the text (and what I did was a tiny bit inconsistent I admit).
So I decided I was going to do a character reference portrait of Omega Girl that was a bit closer to how she is in my head than the cover picture is (my defense over the cover picture is that this is supposed to be a book that is influenced by superhero comics and well, you get cover artists who do their own thing compared to the interior art... it's just that in this case, the cover artist and the person doing the writing that is the interior are the same person).
Then... life just happened and, man, it's taken me way too long to get around to this - to the point that people probably aren't that interested in Omega Girl any more. But I said I'd do it, so here it is, for anyone who wants a reference for her costume or body or info about her powers.
Like I said, do your own thing when it comes to fan art - I'm not gonna come at you if you want to draw her with fewer muscles, or more muscles, or no pubic hair, whatever appeals to you. But if you really wanna know what I was thinking she looked like when I was writing her, this is as probably as close as my current ability will let me get.